photo by Junior Reis via unsplash
I was born, and two and a half years later my folks took me to Brasil. I didn't know that then, of course. I was just happy and learning the language of the people who spoke to me. I grew up speaking Brazilian Portuguese better than I spoke English. But I have wonderful memories.
For instance, of riding a mule, thinking it was a horse. Of talking the aquadeiro (water man) into letting me ride farther and farther away from home. Oh yes, I knew the way home. I had been paying attention. Yeah, right. I set off for home and hours later chanced upon someone who knew my folks and where they lived. That person took me into his home, fed me, then walked me to my folks' house miles away from where he'd found me. I tried to explain to my folks that I hadn't been lost, I knew where I was, I just didn't know how to get home.
The Southern Baptist Convention Foreign Mission Board owned a small house near a beach south of Recife where we got to summer for two weeks every year. Oh man! Palm trees! Jangadas! Beach critters, and girl-women in Brasilian swimsuits! As nearly heaven as a little boy could ask
We were in Brasil for two terms: 1944-48 and 1950-54. (I was in this country, the USA) long enough for first grade and to start second grade.) I wish I could tell you about Brasilian music and dancing, but I was protected from that. In their place I had church and prayer meeting, enough church and prayer meetings to suffice for a lifetime!
But I remember watching avidly the Brasilian women walk in their brightly colored, loosely fitting dresses, and other younger more shapely women walk also but in brightly colored, well-fitting dresses and high heels. Life was kind to this little boy!
I wish I could tell you what was going on in Brasil then, but I was two growing into twelve. I remember other boys, a few girls, and girls suddenly growing breasts! I remember loving to hear them speak their language, it was so different from English!
Ah well! Brasil! The good ole days of being a kid and trying so hard to learn about the world!
Brasil indeed!
- Brasil
- my mother
- St. Louis and Perryton
- Clovis
- Albuquerque
- Las Cruces and WSMR
- Seattle - Los Angeles
- Houston
- Las Cruces - graduate school
- Denver
- a very special love
- Los Angeles
- Linda
- after Linda
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