Wyatt Underwood's Website

poems & stories

poems & stories

Hello again!

On this branch of my website, I share with you a sampling of my poems and stories.

Here are ten of my poems from 2021 to 2024 and five of my stories from between 1994 and 2024.

About the stories: way back in 1994, I read a science fiction story by a usually reliable author and when I finished, I hurled the magazine into the trash. "Gah!" I asserted. "I can write better than that!" And I did! Right from the beginning. "Xmas tale" is my first story. It's on the webpage claiming storymaker. In the menu on webpage "stories", the story "Arrow Bright" is almost as old.

The poems have a more normal history. I didn't save the poems I wrote between 1968 and roughly 1994, and with good reason, I think. I started writing poems after reading _The Selected Poems of William Carlos Williams_. I wanted, badly wanted, to write poems that moved other people like William Carlos Williams' poems had moved me. I don't know that I've made that, but that's what I strive for.

I hope you'll sample some of each. I'd love it if you read them all, all the poems and all the stories. I guarantee it won't take you long. I sincerely hope the pleasure they bring you outweighs the cost in time. I don't know exactly how you'd measure that. (grin)

But feel free to respond and tell me what you think. Email me at wyattu@gmail.com Thank you.
