![[an old ex-rider]](self-picture.jpeg)
This website introduces you to Wyatt Underwood (poet, storymaker, website maker, former programmer, former database administrater, former system administrator, former Harley rider, former physics student), an eighty-two-year-old poet and storymaker who lives in a senior living facility and still manages to be fairly active in Los Angeles poetry.
I have six self-published books of poetry and one book 2015:365 - three hundred sixty-five poems, published by World Stage Press. I continue to publish my poems, usually now on facebook. I share poems with other poets and they share theirs with me.
Storymaker? What can I tell you? I have completed more than 800 stories, and have started an additional more than 1200 stories. For them I have no credentials. I like them. I should probably try to get some of them published too.
I think the story of how I got here might interest you. I hope so. It begins in Albuquerque, winds through Brasil, and this country (USA), with stops in New Mexico, and ends up in Los Angeles. Well it hasn't ended yet, but I've probably finished meandering.
So join me for a tour, if you will: the life and doings of this Wyatt Underwood.
I hope you enjoy the ride.
Please use the menu for where to go next.